12am – 7am | Non Stop Juice | Fresh Beats & Throwbacks through the night
7am – 9am | Juice Breakfast with Daz, Giorge & Brad. Waking up the North West with fun banter, huge tunes and throwbacks, the morning wiggle and G-Facts. Connect with the show on Whats App – 07700 144 103
9am – 10am | Juice Anthems. Throwback to the good times, The biggest old school anthems and you get to pick them. Whats App yours 07700 144 103
10am – 2pm | Travis Mitchell. Fresh Beats & Throwbacks at work. Get your shout out sorted. Whats App yours 07700 144 103
2pm – 3pm | Juice Box. You get to pick the tunes. Whats APP your voice note to get on air. 077 00 144 103
3pm – 6pm | Michael Blades. The home run, Jam packed with Fresh Beats & Throwbacks. Whats App Michael on 077 00 144 103
6pm – 7pm | MIX AT 6. The biggest beats, in the mix.
7pm – 12am | Non Stop Juice. The biggest tunes requested by you on Juice